
Grains Overview

Grain Recipes

Grains For Breakfast


Vegetables Overview

Vegetable Recipes


Beans Overview

Bean Recipes

Sea Vegetables

Condiments Overview

Condiment Recipes

Pickles Overview

Pickles Recipes









Dessert Suggestions



BOILED SALAD (Blanched Vegetables)

When blanching vegetables, boil each vegetable separately, one at a time, in the same boiling water. Cook the mildest tasting vegetables first so that each vegetable retains its distinctive flavor. Stronger flavored ones such as daikon, turnips, celery, and especially watercress are cooked at the end. The ingredients are usually just dipped in and our quickly, one minute or less. Any combination of two or three vegetables may be used. For this quick cooking style, the vegetables should be finely sliced.

1. Place several inches of water and two pinches of sea salt in a pot and bring to a boil.

2. Drop in a small amount of vegetables at a time and boil for one minute or less. Remove the vegetables quickly and place them in a strainer to drain.

3. Repeat step 2 with each vegetable. Transfer all the vegetables to a serving dish when done.


- The vegetables in this dish are fresh, bright colored and crispy.

- Vary the kind of vegetables and combinations daily.

- Boiled watercress, parsley or other greens need only to be dipped into the boiling water and taken out right away, just so they will become brighter in color and lose their strong, raw, bitter or pungent taste.

- Spreading the vegetables on a platter to expose them to the cool air will help stop the cooking process and preserve their bright colors.

- These vegetables may be served plain or you may wish to use a few drops of vinegar (brown rice or umeboshi vinegar), or a few pinches of condiment for seasoning, or one of the dressings described in the salad dressing section.

PRESSED SALAD (Quick Pickling)

Pressed salad is made with fresh salad vegetables that are pressed. When lightly pressed for a shorter time, it resembles raw salad. When pressed longer, up to 2 to 4 days, it begins to resemble pickles. If the salad tastes salty, rinse or wash it off.

1. Wash and slice vegetables into very thin slices.
2. In a large bowl, mix vegetables and add about 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt per cup of chopped vegetables.
3. Mix gently by hand.
4. Transfer to a salad press and apply pressure to the press. If a salad press is not available, you may leave in a bowl and place a plate that fits inside the bowl, adding a weight on top of the plate.

5. Let the vegetables sit for 30 minutes to one hour or more (depending on the vegetables) or until water is expelled from the vegetables.

6. Discard the water before serving, and rinse off the vegetables so that they are nor too salty.


- Mustard greens or radish greens, chopped finely and pressed for 30 minutes.

- Cabbage leaves, finely chopped, layered with sea salt, and pressed for 30 minutes.

- Carrots (grated, shredded or cut into matchsticks) pressed for 30 minutes.

- Various combinations of vegetables.


- Ingredients may be pressed longer, up to a couple of days, to make light pickles.

- Brown rice vinegar, umeboshi vinegar or shoyu may be used for variety in the pressing.


A variety of vegetables may be used in this preparation: finely chopped cabbage, grated carrots, radishes, cucumbers, celery, watercress, etc. These may be seasoned with any of the following dressings.


1. One umeboshi plum or one teaspoon of umeboshi paste, added to 1/2 c water (vegetable stock from the boiling water may be used), puréed in a suribachi. Can also add 2 teaspoons of rose hips and crushed sesame or pumpkin seeds.

2. Dilute miso in warm water and heat for a few minutes. Add a few drops of rice vinegar.

3. Gomashio or shiso leaf powder.

4. Sprinkle a few drops of shoyu/soy sauce and lemon juice.

5. One umeboshi plum or 1 teaspoon of umeboshi paste may be added to 1/2 cup of water and puréed in a suribachi.

6. A few drops of rice vinegar or umeboshi vinegar.