Internal Remedies


This drink is good for softening tightness caused by heavy animal food consumption, and for relaxing the body and muscles. It is especially beneficial for softening the pancreas and helping to stabilize blood sugar levels.

1. Use equal amounts of four sweet vegetables (onions, carrots, cabbage and sweet winter squash), finely chopped.

2. Boil four times the amount of water and allow to boil for two to three minutes. Reduce flame to low, cover and let simmer for 20 minutes.

3. You may strain the vegetables from the broth and use them later in soups or stews, or leave as is.

4. Drink the broth either hot or at room temperature.

- No seasoning is used in this recipe.
- Sweet vegetable broth may be kept in the refrigerator but should be warmed again or allowed to return to room temperature before drinking.


This drink helps dissolve solidified fat deposits that exist deep within the body.

1. Finely grate 1/2 cup each of carrots and daikon. Place in a saucepan.
2. Add one cup of water and bring to a gentle boil.
3. Simmer for about three minutes and add a few drops of shoyu/soy sauce toward the end.
4. Add one-third of a sheet of nori and 1/2 an umeboshi plum to the saucepan, and continue cooking.
5. Eat the vegetables and drink the broth.


This drink helps strengthen the blood if an overly acidic condition exists; to relieve fatigue; to relieve headaches due to an overly yin or overly acidic condition; to stimulate good blood circulation.

1. Place 1 teaspoon of tamari in a tea cup and pour in hot bancha tea.
2. Stir and drink while hot.


This drink helps dissolve heavy stagnated protein and animal fat.

1. Very finely chop two or three kinds of large leafy green vegetables (kale, collards, dandelion, daikon or turnip leaves, or Chinese cabbage).

2. Add twice the amount of water.

3. Bring to a gentle boil and simmer for three to five minutes.

4. Add a pinch of sea salt or a few drops of shoyu/soy sauce toward the end of simmering and stir.

5. Drink hot or at room temperature.

NOTE: You can reuse the leafy green vegetables if you want to.


This tea is used to strengthen the blood if an overly acidic condition exists, relieve fatigue, relieve headaches due to the overconsumption of simple sugars and/or fruit juices, and stimulate good blood circulation.

1. Place up to one teaspoon of shoyu/soy sauce in a tea cup and pour in hot bancha twig or stem tea.
2. Stir and drink while hot.


This drink helps to strengthen the blood, regulate digestion and circulation, relieve fatigue and weakness, and provide relief from an overconsumption of simple sugars (including fruit, fruit juices, or other acid-forming foods or beverages).

1. Place one-half or one umeboshi plum in a tea cup with one-half or one teaspoon of shoyu/soy sauce.
2. Pour in hot bancha stem or twig tea into the cup and stir well. Drink hot.


This drink is used to strengthen and promote good digestion, and to restore energy.

1. Dissolve one heaping teaspoon of kuzu in two to three teaspoons of cold water.
2. In a saucepan add one cup of cold water to the disolved kuzu.
3. Bring to a boil over a medium flame. Stir constantly to avoid lumping, until the liquid becomes translucent.
Reduce the flame as low as possible.
4. Add to this mixture the pulp of 1/2 to 1 umeboshi plum that has been chopped or ground to a paste.
5. Add between several drops to one teaspoon of shoyu/soy sauce and stir gently. Simmer for 2-3 minutes. Drink while hot.


This drink is used for the same purposes as Ume-Sho Kuzu, but it is more effective in promoting digestion and for stimulating body warmth.

1. Prepare in the same manner as described for Ume-Sho Kuzu, and add one-eighth teaspoon fresh grated ginger toward the end and stir gently.

2. Simmer for 1/2 minute. Drink while hot.


This tea is good for digestive and respiratory functions. It is traditionally known to be particularly helpful for female problems.

Mu tea may be purchased in natural food stores. This tea is composed of a combination of 16 plants and wild herbs. Although this drink includes both yin and yang ingredients, on the whole it is a yang drink. A less yang mu tea (containing only nine ingredients) that is more or less similar to the original herbal drink is also available.


This is a very refreshing summer drink.
1. Simmer the pulp of one umeboshi for _ hour in a quart of water (covered with a lid).
2. Strain and if necessary dilute with more water. Allow to cool before drinking.


This tea is good for the regulation of kidney and urinary functions. It is also helpful for smooth bowel movement.

1. Place one cup of beans in a pot with a 2" strip of kombu (soaked and finely chopped).
2. Add four cups of water and bring to a boil.
3. Lower the flame, cover, and simmer for approximately 1/2 hour.
4. Strain out the beans and drink the liquid while hot.
You may continue cooking the beans longer (with additional water) until soft and edible.


This tea is good for warming the body, and for smooth bowel movement.
1. Place one cup of black soybeans in a pot with a 2" strip of kombu (soaked and finely chopped).
2. Add four cups of water and bring to a boil.
3. Lower the flame and simmer for 30 - 45 minutes.
4. Drink this dark, slightly sweet liquid while hot.
You may continue cooking the beans longer until they are soft and edible.


This tea is traditionally known to reduce fever, help dissolve animal-quality fat, and help relax a contracted or
tense condition.

1. Soak one shiitake mushroom in one cup of water for 20-30 minutes.
2. When shiitake mushroom is soft, chop finely.
3. Bring to a boil. Reduce flame and simnmer gently for 10 - 15 minutes.
4. Add a pinch of sea salt or a few drops of shoyu/soy sauce toward the end. Drink while hot.

NOTE: For children one year old or under, do not add any seasoning to the tea.


This tea is good for strengthening the blood. It also helps discharge animal fats and proteins from the body.
It is traditionally known for its calming properties. It also aids in restoring the nervous function and in promoting clear thinking.

1. Wipe off a 3" piece of kombu with a wet cloth.
2. Place the kombu in one quart of water and bring to a boil.
3. Reduce the heat, cover with a lid, and simmer gently until the quantity of water is reduced by half (about
10 - 15 minutes).
4. Drink one cup while hot.
You may reheat the remaining tea and drink up to two or three cups a day.


This tea helps dissolve excess mucus in the respiratory system, and eases coughing. This tea is most effective when prepared from fresh lotus root. However, if fresh is not available, you may use dried lotus root or lotus root powder.

With fresh lotus root:

1. Wash the root and grate 1/2 cup. Place the pulp in a piece of cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice.

2. Place the juice in a saucepan with an equal amount of water. Add a pinch of sea salt or a few drops of shoyu/soy sauce.

3. Bring to a boil, and let simmer gently on a low flame for 2-3 minutes. Drink this tea, which should be thick and creamy, while hot. You may also add a few drops of grated ginger juice toward the end if your condition permits.

With dried lotus root:

1. Place one-third ounce (about 10 grams) of dried lotus root in one cup of water. Let it sit for a few minutes until soft, then chop finely.

2. Return the finely chopped lotus root to the soaking water. Add a pinch of sea salt or a few drops of shoyu/soy sauce.

3. Bring to a boil and allow to simmer gently for approximately 15 minutes.

4. Strain the liquid and drink while hot. You may also add a few drops of grated ginger juice toward the end if your condition permits.

With lotus root powder:

1. Use one teaspoon of lotus powder per person and per serving. Add one cup of cold water per teaspoon of powder and stir to dissolve.

2. Add a pinch of sea salt or a few drops of shoyu/soy sauce. You may also add a couple of drops of grated ginger juice if your condition permits.

3. Heat on a low flame, but do not boil. Turn off the heat when liquid begins to simmer. Drink while hot.


This tea can help decompose heavy animal-quality fat and mucus.

1. Follow the same steps as in the previous recipe with fresh or dried lotus root.
2. Soak a one to one-half inch diameter dried shiitake mushroom. Chop or slice finely when soft.
3. Add two cups of water (you may include the soaking water from the shiitake mushroom).
4. Bring to a boil, reduce the flame and simmer for approximately seven to ten minutes. Add a pinch of sea salt or shoyu/soy sauce toward the end. Drink while hot.


This drink will help to lower fevers by inducing sweating. It also helps bring relief from poisoning that is caused by meat, fish, or shellfish.

1. Grate about three tablespoons of fresh daikon.
2. Mix the daikon with 1/4 teaspoon grated ginger and 1/2 teaspoon sea salt or one tablespoon shoyu/soy sauce.
3. Pour two to three cups of hot bancha-twig tea or stem tea over the mixed ingredients.
4. Drink as much of the tea as possible while hot.
5. After drinking this tea, go to bed and wrap yourself in a blanket to induce perspiration.

- Since this tea is very strong, do not drink it more than twice a day for one or two days.
- For children, limit the quantity to one half cup per day.
- To reduce fever in babies and young children, it is better to give apple juice, grated apple or a kuzu drink with rice syrup (dissolve one teaspoon of kuzu in two teaspoons of cold water). Add one teaspoon of rice syrup. Bring to a gentle boil over a medium flame while stirring and turn off the flame as soon as the drink has thickened and become translucent.


This drink will help induce urination, and relieve swollen ankles and feet.

1. Grate 1/2 cup of daikon.
2. Place daikon in a cheesecloth and squeeze our the juice.
3. Add six tablespoons of water to two tablespoons of juice.
4. Bring to a boil, reduce the flame and allow the mixture to simmer gently for a maximum of one minute.
5. Add a pinch of sea salt or a few drops of shoyu/soy sauce towards the end.
6. Drink this preparation once each day or once every two days, for no more than three times in a row.


2 T grated burdock
2 T grated carrots
1/4 c carrot tops
2 T dried daikon
1/4 c daikon tops
1 medium whole shiitake mushroom
1/2 c roasted short grain brown rice
6 c water

Combine all the above ingredients. Simmer uncovered for 40 minutes, or until reduced to 2 cups. Drink _ cup four times a day.



2 parts unroasted buckwheat groats
2 parts sprouts (mung bean, alfalfa, soy, or any)
1 part Shiitake Mushroom, dried and soaked
1 part Daikon
2 parts Daikon Greens (or Turnip Greens, Radish Greens, or big greens)
1 part Scallion

Chop all vegetables, and combine in a large pot. Add 5 times the total volume of water. Bring to a boil, lower the flame, and simmer for about 30 minutes. Strain and drink the tea.


2 parts Daikon Greens
1 part Cabbage
1 part Scallion
2 parts Big Leafy Greens

Juice the greens. The best way is to very finely chop them, mash by hand in a suribachi, and then squeeze out the juice. Then simmer the juice for 2 to 3 minutes. Add a few drops of lemon juice or tangerine juice. Drink as is.

Alternatively, 2/3 part of the Greens Juice can be mixed with 1/3 part of apple juice or apple cider.


Peel and grate a sour green apple (Granny Smith). Put in a small saucepan. Add a small amount of water, and simmer for about 2 minutes.


Squeeze juice from tangerine or lemon into a small cup of cool apple cider. Drink.


Steam any chopped Big Leafy Greens with a high steam for about 3 to 4 minutes. Remove from steamer and place in a serving dish. Squeeze on several drops of lemon juice.


May be considered a supplement for some occasions.


Squeeze juice from a lemon or tangerine into a small cup of cool Amasake, and drink.


Use only a small amount sometimes. Excess will cause tightness.


Generally, replace sweets with sweet & sour taste for liver disorder.


For cases of swelling feet or legs, avoid hot water bottles, which can increase swelling. Rather, do a hot wet towel scrub.

NOTE: Case by case, proportions become different, as does the cooking time. Causes may include excess use of tahini, miso, bread, sweets, and other heavy foods.


To make the blood strong and to relieve some hot flashes.

Burdock root
Carrot root
Lotus root, fresh or dried and soaked - Optional
Sesame oil – Optional
Sea salt
Spring Water
Sweet Winter Squash
Sweet Young White Miso
Dark Aged Barley Miso

1. Chop very finely equal amounts of burdock root, carrot, and lotus root (if using lotus root).

2. Lightly brush sesame oil in the bottom of a pan (or add a small amount of water if not using oil), and heat on a medium high flame.

3. When oil or water is hot, sauté the burdock for 2 to 3 minutes. You may add a pinch of salt.

4. Layer the lotus root (optional) and carrots on top of the burdock.

5. Cover all vegetables with spring water. Bring to a boil. Lower the flame, cover, and simmer for 30 to 40 minutes (until all vegetables are very soft). You may need to add water from time to time.

6. Add very finely chopped onion and sweet winter squash, and cook further until the onion and the squash become very soft.

7. Mix the two kinds of miso 50/50 and dilute some in the soup broth.

8. Slowly add enough of the miso for a nice taste, gently stir, and simmer for another 5 minutes.

9. This strengthening soup should be like a hearty stew.


3” piece of kombu
3 – 4 dried shiitakes, soaked and sliced
kabocha squash, cut in large pieces
carrots, cut in large pieces
daikon, cut in large pieces
burdock, cut in matchsticks
chinese or napa cabbage, cut in large pieces
scallions, sliced
udon noodles or other pasts, precooked

taro potato, cut in large pieces
jinenjo root, cut in large pieces
lotus root, thinly sliced
leeks, cut in large pieces
cabbage, cut in large pieces
fresh mushrooms
fresh sprouts
fresh tofu, or dried tofu that has been soaked and cut
tempeh, cut in large pieces
sliced mochi

1. In a large nabe pot, place the kombu, the shiitake, and the root and round vegetables. Cover the vegetables with water.

2. Bring to a boil, lower the flame. Cover and cook for 20 to 30 minutes or until the vegetables are soft.

3. Add the noodles and green leafy vegetables. Cook 3 – 5 minutes.

4. Dilute miso with some of the broth and add to the dish together with the scallions. Simmer for 3 minutes before serving.

NOTE: If you are using mushrooms, tempeh or dried tofu, add them at the beginning. If you are using fresh tofu, sprouts or mochi, add them together with the leafy greens, toward the end.